Omul Animal / Animal Human
1. Minamata JAPÃO, 1956;
"It was caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from the Chisso Corporation's chemical factory, which continued from 1932 to 1968. This highly toxic chemical bioaccumulated in shellfish and fish in Minamata Bay and the Shiranui Sea, which when eaten by the local populace resulted in mercury poisoning. While cat, dog, pig, and human deaths continued over more than 30 years, the government and company did little to prevent the pollution."
2. Auschwitz concentration camp May 1940–January 1945;
Killed 1.1 million (estimated)
3. 13-15 June 1990 Mineriada Romania;
Viorel Ene, președintele „Asociației Victimelor Mineriadelor”, a declarat că „Există documente, mărturii ale medicilor, ale oamenilor de la cimitirele Domnești și Străulești. Cu toate că am afirmat tot timpul că cifra reală a morților este de peste 100, nimeni nu ne-a contrazis până în prezent și nu a existat nici o poziție oficială împotrivă” [2]
"The Romanian miners of Jiu Valley were called by the newly-elected power to Bucharest to end the riots that broke up on 13 June 1990. As President Ion Iliescu put it, the miners were called to save the "besieged democratic regime" and restore order and democracy in Bucharest. The government trucked in thousands of miners from the Jiu Valley to Bucharest to confront the demonstrators. The rest of Romania and the world watched the government television broadcasts of miners brutally grappling with students and other protesters. Over the course of a month-long demonstration in University Square, many protesters had gathered with the goal of attaining official recognition for the 8th demand of the popular Proclamation of Timişoara, which stated that communists and former communists (including President Iliescu himself) should be prevented from holding official functions. Many people, most of them intellectuals, were dissatisfied with Iliescu's first government, made up mostly of former communists, because it implemented reforms very slowly or not at all."
4. Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
The protests were sparked by the death of Hu Yaobang, an official known for tolerating dissent, whom protesters wanted to mourn.[2] By the eve of Hu's funeral, 100,000 people had gathered at Tiananmen Square.[3] The protests lacked a unified cause or leadership; participants included Communist Party of China members and Trotskyists as well as liberal reformers, who were generally against the government's authoritarianism and voiced calls for economic change[4] and democratic reform[4] within the structure of the government. The demonstrations centered in Tiananmen Square to begin with but then later in the streets around the square, in Beijing, but large-scale protests also occurred in cities throughout China, including Shanghai, which remained peaceful throughout the protests.
The movement lasted seven weeks after Hu's death on 15 April. In early June, the People's Liberation Army moved into the streets of Beijing with troops and tanks and cleared the square with live fire. The exact number of deaths is not known. According to an analysis by Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times, "The true number of deaths will probably never be known, and it is possible that thousands of people were killed without leaving evidence behind. But based on the evidence that is now available, it seems plausible that about fifty soldiers and policemen were killed, along with 400 to 800 civilians."[5] Globe and Mail correspondent Jan Wong placed the death toll at approximately 3,000, based on initial reports by the Red Cross and analysis on the crowd size, density, and the volume of firing. [6]
5. Stalin
Stalin consolidated his power base with the Great Purges against his political and ideological opponents, most notably the old cadres and the rank and file of the Bolshevik Party. Measures used against them ranged from imprisonment in work camps (Gulags) to assassination (such as that of Leon Trotsky and Sergei Kirov). Several show trials were held in Moscow, to serve as examples for the trials that local courts were expected to carry out elsewere in the country. There were four key trials from 1936 to 1938, The Trial of the Sixteen was the first (December 1936); then the Trial of the Seventeen (January 1937); then the trial of Red Army generals, including Marshal Tukhachevsky (June 1937); and finally the Trial of the Twenty One (including Bukharin) in March 1938.
Under the pretext of constructing `socialism in one country', Stalin terrorized large segments of the Soviet population, such as the Kulaks, a term for prosperous farmers who were disinherited when agriculture was collectivized. He also orchestrated a massive famine in the Ukraine in which an estimated 5 million people died. It is believed that with the purges, forced famines, state terrorism, labor camps, and forced migrations, Stalin was responsible for the death of as many as 40 million people within the borders of the Soviet Union. According to former National Security Advisor to US President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Stalin murdered an estimated 20 million people.
WARSAW, Poland - Poles on Saturday attended a Mass, sang patriotic songs and lay flowers on a monument to more than 21,000 military officers and intellectuals massacred by Soviet agents in Katyn Forest, marking the day 65 years ago that dictator Josef Stalin ordered the killings.
6. Mao - Leader of People's Republic of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.
The U.S. State department in 1976 estimated that there may have been a million killed in the land reform, 800,000 killed in the counterrevolutionary campaign.[31]
Mao himself claimed that a total of 700,000 people were executed during the years 1949–53.[32] However, because there was a policy to select "at least one landlord, and usually several, in virtually every village for public execution",[33] the number of deaths range between 2 million[33][34] and 5 million.[35][36] In addition, at least 1.5 million people,[37] perhaps as many as 4 to 6 million,[38] were sent to "reform through labour" camps where many perished.[38] Mao played a personal role in organizing the mass repressions and established a system of execution quotas,[39] which were often exceeded.[29] Nevertheless he defended these killings as necessary for the securing of power.[40]
Tens of millions of people were taken out of farm production to construct canals, roads, bridges, dams, and railways all around China with little more than their bare hands. The vast number of these projects ended up being structurally unsound and unusable. China's industrial "leap" into the modern age was to be performed through the construction of steel-making furnaces in people's backyards. Every conceivable piece of metal, including essential farm equipment and household utensils for cooking and eating, was confiscated and literally thrown into the fire. All that came out were unusable lumps of steel.
With millions of people diverted for Mao's gigantic infrastructure projects and with the basic tools needed for farm production stripped out of the peasants' hands for steel construction, it was inevitable that agricultural yields would drastically decline.
Tens of millions were left with nothing to eat.
When Mao or any of the other party leaders traveled around the countryside to see for themselves what the actual conditions were like, the local party officials would line the roads with temporarily replanted crops, to give the appearance of abundance. They would paint trees to hide the missing bark that had been torn off and eaten by the farmers. Selected peasant homes were filled with food and household objects for the visiting officials to see.
7. Congo civil war
8. Recent video of a young ill man someware in Russia, who was beaten to death by people not knowing what mercy is.
Dar Cuvantul Lui DUMNEZEU zice asa:
The word of GOD says:
"Epistola Lui Pavel catre Romani:
8. Să nu datoraţi nimănui nimic, decât să vă iubiţi unii pe alţii: căci cine iubeşte pe alţii, a împlinit Legea.
9. De fapt: „Să nu preacurveşti, să nu furi, să nu faci nici o mărturisire mincinoasă, să nu pofteşti”, şi orice altă poruncă mai poate fi, se cuprind în porunca aceasta: „Să iubeşti pe aproapele tău ca pe tine însuţi.”
10. Dragostea nu face rău aproapelui: dragostea deci este împlinirea Legii.
11. Şi aceasta cu atât mai mult, cu cât ştiţi în ce împrejurări ne aflăm: este ceasul să vă treziţi în sfârşit din somn; căci acum mântuirea este mai aproape de noi decât atunci când am crezut.
12. Noaptea aproape a trecut, se apropie ziua. Să ne dezbrăcăm dar de faptele întunericului, şi să ne îmbrăcăm cu armele luminii.
13. Să trăim frumos, ca în timpul zilei, nu în chefuri şi în beţii; nu în curvii şi în fapte de ruşine; nu în certuri şi în pizmă;
14. ci îmbrăcaţi-vă în Domnul Isus Hristos, şi nu purtaţi grijă de firea pământească, pentru ca să-i treziţi poftele."
Love Fulfills the Law
8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”[a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
The Day Is Near
11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh."
1. Pamantul se deplaseaza cu 30km/s si eu ce fac? Matei cap. 25 de la versetul 15.
1. The Earth is going with 30km/s and what the fuck am I doing with my talent?
The images and the information was selected from the folowing sources:
- Wikipedia;
God, please Save Our Soul
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